
Investment Advisory

For small business, the right investment, the right investment partner and the right timing are critical. We help small companies to deeply understand potential investors from their investment track record, their successful investment aptitude, and their investment vision and objectives NCSD helps to evaluate the pros and cons of the investment for them and guide them through out the process. More importantly, we help to secure investment for short, mid and long term needs through our established network of investors, funds and qualified individual investors.

NCSD believes that the necessary investment to facilitate a small company’s vision of their future must be based upon many factors. Suitability of investment is very important both for partnership development and long term relationship building. NCSD has established a business advisory and assistance section to facilitate American small business access to foreign buyers and funders to be known as the Center for Green Innovation. CGI helps truncate this process in a marketplace for products and services for US small businesses. NCSD has learned that no lasting business relationship can be formed until a good working relationship is formed and both sides see a value in the participation of the other party. NCSD believes both parties must work diligently to achieve success but the preparation and follow up which we have described is what defines who will be successful and who will not be.