Center For Green Innovation

Grow the Idea

Innovative Small Business Collaboration and Exchange is a key business driver for the CGI that addresses the future of technology innovation with the applied sciences in mind to help the future market development of individual companies aimed to advance innovation and critical improvement of existing technologies to be applied to today’s global needs.

2022 Case Study of the Process and Outcome

As mentioned elsewhere on our website is the great success of a Swiss/California based small technology business known as Energy Vault which had patented an innovative “Gravity Energy Storage” technology for storage of renewable energy. Renewable sourced electricity is oftern overproduced during peak hours of operation and would otherwise dissipate given the physics of electricity if not used immediately upon creation.

While we do not take any credit for the undelying invention of the technology we recognized an important niche this could play given the enormous capital deployed globally to generate renewable energy but often wasted due to the distribution mechanism designed for a much different energy delivery scenario.

Fossil Fuel Electricity Generating plants are “baseload” and produce power on demand but with high levels of GHGs. Renewable Energy production is “intermittent” produced when the sun shines and the wind blows (both generally and not reliably at night!) No other commodity would not be “stored “ in order to meet anticipated and unanticipated demand.

In our experience, China, like all major industrial societies,are in great need for some way to use the “intermittant” electricity production of their major national investment in renewable energy. The massive renewable energy dividend could not be used efficiently due to timimg of generation and capacity of the grid.

In Energy Vault’s case they needed capital to complete their already underway Public Offerring (IPO) which a major private environmental management company supported them to complete. The partner company in China was identified by NCSD’s Center for Green Innovation which works closely with our affiliate Atlas Renewable to manage the identification of the partners, protection of their intellectual property and financing structure so that the partnership is fair, appropriate and sets the stage for exponential growth in the World’s largest energy market: China.

NCSD believes this approach is useful and can serve all in the collaboration that is the key to innovation.