August 12, 2022, Washington, DC: The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) in Washington, D.C., is honored to join the Bush Global Advisors (BGA) as co-organizers of the July 30th Carbon Neutral Zero Carbon China Summit under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of New and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration. The “Carbon Neutral. Zero Carbon China Summit” was jointly hosted and sponsored by the Energy Investment Professional Committee of the China Investment Association and the Government of Changping District of Beijing. The Summit has attracted more than 150 high-level guests in Beijing and virtually, along with well over 8 million participants.
First and most importantly, we observe, the three-part conference theme of: Scientific and Technological Innovation, Cross-Border Integration and International Interconnection demonstrating the “Open Mind” of participation and shared values that fundamentally underlays the 30/60 policy. NCSD supports 30/60 as a template for sustainable growth for ALL people and is a global collaborative framework to which we can add our voice.
We begin to see the shape of things to come, in this conference, unique blend of the practical needs and philosophical aspirations of reshaping and rebuilding a new “decarbonized world” from the old one around the sturdy principals of using all the tools we have: technological, policy (Green Standards), economic and philosophical to build the non-carbon world while trying to stop the current growth of new sources of carbon emissions. China has a long history of looking back to philosophical precepts that encourage just what we saw in this conference: scholarship, harmony and planning.
An example, of how NCSD and our ever-active Atlas Renewable, are structuring a useful approach is present in the recent arrival in China of Energy Vault, a remarkable non carbon gravity storage technology which is the mechanical application of a highly elegant AI software “energy management” approach the company has developed.
Energy Vault is the key missing link in the “Circular Economy” virtuous cycle. What was needed was a compatible, visionary company (China Tianying) willing to work with Energy Vault to help them understand the “China Way” of doing things: which we know after many decades is really the only way in China.
NCSD, Atlas Renewable LLC, Energy Vault and China Tianying are all participants in the highly skilled organizational leadership of the Chinese NGO: The Investment Association of China. While we still must participate virtually with the conference participants, we are there in a spirit of urgent collaboration and problem solving.